Yanwen Xu

Mail Box: ECW 31
Mailstop: ECW 31
Office: ECSW3.150G
800 West Campbell Rd.
Richardson, TX 75080-3021
Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2023
M.S., Applied Statistics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2021
M.S., Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2019
BS., Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, 2016
Research Interests
Data analytics, physics-informed machine learning, reliability analysis, predictive modeling and uncertainty quantification, design under uncertainty, and stochastic optimization.
Five Most Recent Journal Publications, Book Chapters, and Books
- Xu, Y., & Wang, P., “Sequential Sampling Based Asymptotic Probability Estimation for High Dimensional Rare Events,” Journal of Mechanical Design, 2023.
- Xu, Y., Kohtz, S., Boakye, J., Gardoni, P., and Wang, P., “Physics-informed machine learning for reliability and systems safety applications: State of the art and challenges,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2022
- Xu, Y., Lalwani, A.V., Arora, K., Zheng, Z., Renteria, A., Senesky, D. G., and Wang, P., “Hall-Effect Sensor Design with Physics-informed Gaussian Process Modeling,” in IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2022.3216499.
- Xu, Y., Renteria, A., and Wang, P., “Adaptive Surrogate Models with Partially Observed Information,” Reliability Engineering & Systems Safety, 2022.
- Kohtz, S., Xu, Y., Zheng, Z., and Wang, P., “Physics-informed machine learning model for battery state of health prognostics using partial charging segments,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 172, 109002, 2022.
Major Honors and Awards
First Place Thomas L. Fagan, Jr., Student Paper Award at RAMS, 2022
Sharp Outstanding Graduate Student Award, UIUC, 2022
Graduate College Conference Presentation Award, UIUC, 2021
2020 QCRE Best Paper Award from IISE Annual Conference, 2020