Phone: 972-883-3564
Mail Box: ECW 31
Office: WSTC 2.202
ECSW 4.150E
800 West Campbell Rd.
Richardson, TX 75080-3021
PhD, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sapienza University of Rome.
MS, Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome.
Research Interests
Turbulence, Computational Fluid Mechanics, Wind Energy, Drag Reduction, Super Hydrophobic surfaces, Heat transfer
Five Most Recent Journal Publications, Book Chapters, and Books
- Leonardi S., Djenidi L., Orlandi P. & Antonia R.A. (2015) Heat transfer in a turbulent channel flow with square bars and circular rods on one wall. J. of Fluid Mech., 776, pp. 512-530.
- G.V. Iungo , C. Santoni-Ortiz, M. Abkar, F. Porte-agel, M. Rotea & S. Leonardi Data-driven Reduced Order Model for prediction of wind turbine wakes” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 625 (2015) 012009 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/625/1/012009
- G.V. Iungo, F. Viola, U. Ciri, M. Rotea & S. Leonardi (2015) Data-driven RANS simulations of large wind farms Journal of Physics: Conference Series 625 (2015) 012025 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/625/1/012025
- Martinez-Tossas L., M. J. Churchfield & Leonardi S. (2015) A Comparison of Actuator Disk and Actuator Line Wind Turbine Models and Best Practices for Their Use. J. Wind Energy Volume 18, Issue 6, pages 1047–1060
- U. Ciri, K. Carrasquillo, C. Santoni, V. Iungo, M. V. Salvetti, S. Leonardi (2015) Effects of the subgrid-scale modeling in the large eddy simulations of wind turbines and wind farms. Direct and Large Eddy Simulation 10. 27th-29th May 2015 Limassol, Cyprus.
Major Honors and Awards
- Distinguished Researcher Award, 2011-2012, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
- Distinguished Professor Award, 2011-2012, Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
- Best Professor Award October 2011, given by the students’ Associations University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez.
- Keynote speaker 7th July 2009 IUTAM Symposium on The Physics of Wall-bounded Turbulent Flows on Rough Walls. Cambridge UK
- The research of the group has been published on the Teragrid Science Highlights 2008, NSF.
- The research of the group has been published on the Multimedia Gallery of National Science Foundation.
- Invited speaker June 23-26 2008 the Turbulent Boundary Layers session AIAA meeting in Seattle
- Invited speaker 8th January 2008 at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics Trieste Italy.
- Distinguished Professor Award, 2007-2008, Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
- Distinguished Professor Award, 2006-2007, Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez