Phone: 972-883-4621
Mail Box: WT10
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Wind Energy Facilities
Wind Flux Lab
BLAST Wind Tunnel
2007 – Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering, the University of Pisa, Italy
2003 – M.Sc. Aerospace Engineering, the University of Pisa, Italy
Research Interests
Experimental fluid mechanics with applications to power harvesting from turbulent flows.
Five Most Recent Journal Publications, Book Chapters, and Books
- G. Valerio Iungo, “Experimental characterization of wind turbine wakes: wind tunnel tests and wind LiDAR measurements,” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 149 (2016): 35-39
- Ryan Ashton, Francesco Viola, Simone Camarri, Francois Gallaire and G. Valerio Iungo, “Hub vortex instability within wind turbine wakes: Effects of wind turbulence, loading conditions and blade aerodynamics,” Physical Review Fluids, 1, 073603
- G. Valerio Iungo and Fernando Porté-Agel, “Volumetric lidar scanning of wind turbine wakes under convective and neutral atmospheric stability regimes,” Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 31(10) (2014): 2035-2048
- Francesco Viola, G. Valerio Iungo, Simone Camarri, Fernando Porté-Agel and Francois Gallaire, “Prediction of the hub vortex instability in a wind turbine wake: stability analysis with eddy-viscosity models calibrated on wind tunnel data,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 750 (2014): R1
- G. Valerio Iungo, Francesco Viola, Simone Camarri, Fernando Porté-Agel and Francois Gallaire, “Linear stability analysis of wind turbine wakes performed on wind tunnel measurements,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 737 (2013): 499-526
Major Honors and Awards
- 2010 Special mention for the prize “Best Italian junior researcher in Wind Engineering for the biennium 2008 – 2010”, ANIV, Italian board for the International Association for Wind Engineering, 2nd July 2010, Spoleto, Italy.
- 2007 Fellowship for an international collaboration to carry out the master thesis, funded by the University of Pisa, Italy.