Phone: 972-883-4626
Mail Box: ECW 31
Office: ECSW 2.150C
800 West Campbell Rd.
Mailstop: ECW 31
Richardson, TX 75080-3021
PhD Southern Methodist University, 1996
Research Interests
Thermal Fluids Sciences, Multiphase Flow & Separation, Filtration
Five Most Recent Journal Publications, Book Chapters, and Books
- Godinez, J., Fadda, D., Lee, J., and You, S.M., 2019, “Enhancement of pool boiling heat transfer in water on aluminum surface with high temperature conductive microporous coating,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 132 (2019) 772–781.
- Mohammadi, N., Fadda, D., Lee, J., and You, S. M., 2018, “Effects of surface wettability on pool boiling of water using super-polished silicon surfaces,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 127 (2018) 1128–1137.
- Fadda, D. and Rios. O., 2018, “Introduction to Heat Transfer in a First-Year Mechanical Engineering Course,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 24-27, 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
- Rios. O. and Fadda, D., 2018, “A Conceptual Design Activity for a First-Year Mechanical Engineering Course,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 24-27, 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
- Fadda, D., 2017, “Numerical Project for the Undergraduate Heat Transfer Course,” Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE17, November 5-8, Tampa, Florida, USA
Major Honors and Awards
- UTD Certificate of Achievement for Exemplary Faculty Contributions, 2018
- North Texas Section Engineer of the Year, ASME, 2016
- The Prime Movers Award, ASME, 2007
- Best Paper Award, 2006, ASME Power, Atlanta, Georgia